Home/Decorating Ideas, Uncategorized/Wall decals, how to choose… The abridged version.

Wall decals, how to choose… The abridged version.

I’ve stood there, too. Just like you. Looking at that blank wall, totally baffled by what to put on it. A mirror? Another family picture? A wall decal?!
So off to Doctor Google for some help deciding, but all we end up with is page after page of information, too much information, too many ideas and conflicting advice.

So, as a writer, I did for deciding on a wall decal what I do when I’m staring at a blank page. I did research. And the research reminded me of a great lesson: We can’t do everything. There was no point in my trying to design a wall decal which would be perfect, I needed professional help. So, I did some groundwork, got some ideas, and will be taking it all over to the design center at The Simple Stencil. They will make it into MY work of art!

Recipe-Of-Love-Vinyl-Wall-Art-Decal-Stencil-For-Kitchen-Walls-by-The-Simple-StencilWhile searching for inspiration, I found several blogs which are just on top of things when it comes to choosing wall decals. Like the joy we get when we share a great book with a friend, or a household tip which changes things for everyone, it’s just good to share.

First up is this one from Womansday. It’s from 2012 but good advice is timeless. It also has a bit ofinfo about prepping the walls to accept wall art.




Apartment therapy.com is an encyclopedia of reasonably priced decor ideas. This post will help you plan the wall in the nursery. But the ideas translate to any collection of wall art.

And, really, we can’t go too wrong with asking for help from the pros at HGTV. Use these ideas for combining shapes on a gallery wall. Just replace one of the images with your choice of wall stencil.

Here’s another one from HGTV about kid’s rooms.

This is a really great all-around piece on how to choose wall decals. If you only read one of these pieces, read this one.

And don’t forget Pinterest. Under ‘wall decals’ there are 20 categories full of inspirational photos of decorating with wall decals.

Design-Your-Own-Custom-Wall-Decals-In-The-Simple-Stencil-Online-Wall-Art-Design-CenterSo now you have some idea of what to put on that blank wall. You’ve found a few inspiration pictures, the decision is almost made but you need a bit more advice.  The Simple Stencil designers are your go-to experts. Their free advice is available to you; they answer your questions and transform your inspiration into a reality for you. Success!

By | 2017-10-16T10:06:47-04:00 October 13th, 2017|Decorating Ideas, Uncategorized|0 Comments

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