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Yellow Color Meaning & Symbolism | The Color Yellow

Yellow Color Meaning & Yellow Symbolism 700x400

There is really nothing mellow about the color Yellow!

Yellow is a very upbeat hue that inspires hope, clear mindedness, and overall cheerfulness. It is an excellent color for those who crave originality, fresh ideas and inspiration!

The color psychology of Yellow is rooted in vibrancy. Those with low energy or who have trouble communicating would benefit from bringing Yellow elements into their environment.

Yellow is the best color to create enthusiasm for life and can awaken greater confidence and optimism.

Psychologically, Yellow brings out your sense of humor. Let’s face it, it’s hard to be glum on a bright sunny day. Mind you, too much Yellow can create anxiety and impulsiveness.

It’s said that wearing something Yellow when taking a test improves analytical skill. Yellow is far more of a “head” color than it is an emotional tone.

In the spectrum, Yellow is the color our eyes see easiest. This is why school buses are yellow.

Positive Yellow keynotes include intellect, optimism, the season of summer, socialization, bravery and friendship. Challenging aspects of the color Yellow include arrogance, prudence, dishonesty, pessimism, cowardice, illness and maliciousness.

If you are attracted to Yellow you likely have a lot of energy. “Yellow people” are flexible. They enjoy fun and adventure and often make excellent communicators. Those who dislike Yellow can have superficial natures and a harsh demeanor.

Nature sings with Yellow things from the sun to Yellow birds and lemons!

Nearly every culture embraces Yellow as an inventive, happy hue. Many religious images have Yellow clothing or auras. A Yellow light at cross roads represents caution, while in Japan Yellow is the color of bravery.

Yellow Facts and fancy

  • Yellow is one of three primary colors
  • The original color for post it notes was Yellow

The color Yellow is a happy, lively color to have in your home, office, school, and sacred spaces. At The Simple Stencil, your vinyl wall decals and wall quotes can be ordered in many different colors! We have a wide variety of hues to choose from.

Because color is a deeply personal choice, we hope you find value in reading all about the psychology and meanings of all your favorite colors!

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By | 2024-03-28T09:55:19-04:00 March 1st, 2016|Decorating Ideas|0 Comments

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