As you may know, October is National Bullying Prevention Month, and while we should always be striving to do our best both in-home and at school to stomp out the bullying, this month receives more notoriety. Due to this month, The Simple Stencil offers tons of great vinyl decal wall art designs to encourage kindness in your school.

In A World Where You Can Be Anything, Be Kind.
Be kind to school walls while promoting kindness among your students…
Bullying is one of the leading issues currently facing our children today and even something as hurtful as a few unkind words can have a lasting effect on the hearts and minds of our kids. Words said out of anger or in the heat-of-the-moment, can have just as big of an effect as words continually said over time.
The phrase “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me” is a small saying that we teach our kids in hopes that they will grow stronger shells and hold up against the bullying and taunting at school. Words do hurt and unfortunately, with the growing suicide rates of teens these days as a result of bullying, we can see that this is an ineffective tactic.
The best way to stomp out bullying is to stomp it out early and fast!
Starting at home when a toddler is old enough to understand the phrases “no hitting” and “no biting” is a great way to get them on the correct path early in life.
Check out this removable vinyl decal perfect for your kid’s playroom or as a gift for your child’s teacher to display in a classroom.

Using a wall decal display during your teaching lessons is a great way to inspire students. Enlisting their help with the install or making the new display part of your lesson of the week will be inspiring to them and make the new classroom decor resonate just a little bit more each time their view it.

Kindness Counts!
As children continue to grow, they develop their own sense of style, tastes, and unique personalities. Therefore, reminding them that everyone is different and that no one can do a better job at being them than they can.
This vinyl decal would look great both at home and on a school classroom wall. Perhaps placing it over a mirror would be a great way to drive the message home.
Winnie The Pooh – Things That Make Me Wall Quote Decal
Perhaps, teaching them to embrace their differences and not to feel ashamed of them as well as keeping them from making fun of someone else’s differences is a great way to build their self-esteem and keep them kind.
At school, there are hundreds of children interacting daily
Due to this, kindness is just as important in the classroom as it is at home, if not more so. With school often being the number one place for bullying to take place, several schools across the nation have embraced a zero-tolerance policy for bullying. Because of these actions, it’s extra important to show kindness within a school.
Because it’s such an important issue, we created this large vinyl decal would look amazing placed in a school hallway or cafeteria for the entire student body to see every day. (Hint: It’s also available in smaller sizes and tons of color options to suit your home or school decor!)
In A World Where You Can Be Anything Be Kind
First of all, there is never a limit to how kind a person can be. In the 2015 live-action remake of Cinderella, the message of the movie clearly states that there is magic in kindness. Having children remain kind to each other, themselves, and to educators is essential for creating a safe and welcoming learning environment. No child should ever feel afraid and unwelcomed within a school.
Certainly, placing this vinyl decal on the classroom door for all students entering can help them to remember to be kind every time they come to class.
Always Be A Little Kinder…
Above all, the most important value to teach kids, both at home and at school is that love makes the world go around. The world will always need more love and to receive it, it must first be given.
Love makes the rld go round…
Certainly, Stomping out bullying from a young age is important. Also, teaching children love and compassion for others while celebrating the differences that make us unique is necessary as well. With parents and educators working together, we can create kinder kids and a bully-free planet.
Find more ways to stomp out bullying in your school here or shop The Simple Stencils full collection of Kindness Quote Wall Decals For Schools Here.
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