Holiday Shopping Tips to Keep You Out of Busy Shops and Malls
As the holidays approach, the stores fill with crowds of people who come out seeking the perfect gift for their loved ones. But what if the perfect gift could be found online instead of in the local shopping mall? Shopping online is incredibly beneficial for several reasons, including safety, finances, and availability of the desired items. We offer a few holiday shopping tips below to make your holidays a little less hectic!
Shopping online saves you money
When you choose to shop online instead of in a store, you are not only saving yourself time but money as well. The gas and transportation costs of going to a store and the amount of time it takes to get ready, get there, and do your thing all have a cost. As the saying goes “time is money.” Not to mention, if you’re like most people, you may find it difficult to enter a store for one item and to leave without anything else entering your cart. After a long day of shopping and dealing with crowds and long lines of people, you may even find yourself wanting to stop for food, which is another unforeseen and added cost.

Shopping online is safe
There’s no doubt that payment information can be taken anywhere. In-person stores and online stores both have their share of data breaches, but online shopping isn’t any less safe just because it’s digital. In fact, online payments are processed through some very tight-knit security features to help keep it extra safe. That aside, how many times do you see Black Friday shopping reports on the news where someone was hurt or killed as a result of other shoppers rushing to get a good deal? Online shopping can help you to avoid aggressive crowds as well as the harsh weather conditions outside.

Online shopping offers more availability
When you shop in stores, there may be a few items on a shelf and, if you’re lucky, a few in the stock room as well. But, if you go to find an item you can be disappointed with them being out of stock, meaning that you have to drive elsewhere or wait a long time for the items to be restocked. When you shop online, the odds of an item being in stock is significantly higher. Meaning that with a few clicks of a button and no wasted time, you can have your desired item on its way to you! Read more about holiday gift giving the Simple Stencil way!

Online shopping helps small businesses
A lot of smaller businesses find themselves online instead of in a store as a way to reach a larger target audience and to save money on not buying a brick and mortar location. When you shop from a small online business such as The Simple Stencil you are helping families to live the American dream and afford their own costs of living instead of giving extra money to big corporations.
Not only is it nice to know that you’re helping a small business to grow and succeed, but small businesses are usually better to shop with anyways! The personalization, love, and care put into every order and email response is something that you can’t possibly get at a big-name company. Everything is personally tailored to you and shop owners truly care that you have a good shopping experience.

Holiday Shopping the Simple Stencil way…
Shopping online and shopping small businesses help increase the holiday spirit in your home as well as theirs and the benefits are all amazing, so don’t forget to shop online this year. Visit our website to take advantage of holiday deals and save time and money by customizing your order and having it shipped directly to you!
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