New Year, New You, New Decals

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New Year, New You, New Decals

With the New Year finally upon us, it’s time to reflect on the year that has passed and set our eyes on the future. Many people use this time to make New Year’s resolutions. Of those, the most common is related to health, fitness, and overall lifestyle adjustments.

During the month of January, you’ll see health foods, gym memberships, and gym equipment go on sale everywhere and many people either set up their own home gyms or get a membership at a gym they’ve been wanting to try. This is all a great way to get started on a healthier and more active lifestyle but unfortunately, statistics state that many of these people who set their eyes on healthier lifestyles as a New Year’s resolution will fall short and quit before the year is half over.

Over 80% of New Year’s resolutions never get completed, but yours doesn’t have to be a part of that number. Most of these failures were due in part to a lack of motivation and drive. With motivational decals in your fitness center of choice, you can no doubt keep yourself on target to obtaining your dreams.

Every goal you reach begins with the decision to start. Simple Stencil wall decals to help set and keep new year goals and resolutions.

This being said, here are a few things worth remembering:

No excuses - A motivational wall decal sticker for your gym, office or anywhere you want to stay on track with your resolutions in the new year!

For many, staying motivated is difficult. It’s so easy to say that you’ll start tomorrow, or to make an excuse as to why you can’t start right here and now. But if you have time to sit down and watch Netflix or go out to eat dinner, you have time to squeeze in a 10-minute workout. You just have to be stronger than your excuses.

Will it be easy? Nope Worth it? Absolutely

Will it be easy? Nope. Will it be worth it? Absolutely. - Remind yourself that the path to completing your goals this new year isn't always easy but it is always worth it with this fun vinyl wall decal design. Perfect for new year resolutions!

Nothing good in life ever came easy, and the same can be said about exercising. You didn’t get your current body overnight, and your dream body won’t happen overnight either. It will take hard work, dedication, and sacrifices – but in the end, it will be worth it.  Just keep reminding yourself of that end goal that you’re working so hard to achieve.

Strive For Progress Not Perfection

Don't beat yourself up in the new year when you don't get it perfect... remind yourself to strive to be a little better each day with this "strive for progress, not perfection " vinyl wall decal.

Progress is always a huge win. This is also why so many people take before and after gym workout pictures so that they can reflect back at the progress made. While your scales may not change, the tape measure will. Reflect back at where you were a few months ago, weeks ago, or even yesterday. Are the same workouts giving you trouble? Are your clothes more loose? Is it easier squeezing that workout into your daily life? This is all progress worth taking note of!

I Am Doing This For Me

Doing it for yourself is the best way to begin... this vinyl wall decal will reinforce the idea that your new year goals and resolutions are first and foremost for you!

The most important thing above all else is to remember who you are doing this for. Fitness is a lifestyle change that affects you and you alone. No one else can do your workout for you and no one else can gain your muscles, lose your weight, or feel exhausted on your behalf. Your workouts are for you, so make yourself proud and do your best.

Dreams won't come true without a little effort... let this vinyl wall decal remind you to stay on track and work hard to reach your dreams in the new year!

Where to display your motivational decals

Whether you’re motivating yourself or others, there are plenty of places you can apply your Simple Stencil decals:

  • Fitness centers
  • Home gyms
  • Personal training rooms
  • Yoga studios

Where will you put yours?

You got this! A vinyl wall decal to offer encouragement in all areas of your life. Use it to motivate you in the new year!

By remembering the simple thoughts above, you can keep from losing your motivation and drive this year and stay focused on your resolutions and goals. Browse our gallery of motivational decals and see which one sparks joy for you. They’re customizable for any space, easy to apply, and 100% removable when you’re ready to redecorate.

By | 2022-12-23T09:50:14-05:00 December 11th, 2016|Motivational Quotes, New Year's Day, Uncategorized|0 Comments

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