Monograms – Cheesy or Chic?

Show family, school, business and church pride! Create a personalized vinyl monogram for your walls in our one-of-a-kind custom design center or choose from hundreds of premade removable monogram lettering and embellishments options at!
The decor and DIY worlds are full of creatives who generally have very open minds and are quite accepting of different stylistic thoughts and trends. But when it comes to monograms, strong lines in the sand are immediately drawn. Now, those lines get glittered and rhinestoned, mind you, but they’re still just as strong.
For some, monograms on walls, windows, towels, clothing, etc. smacks of snobbery because monogramming has long been associated with wealth. Monograms represented a world that the “rest of us” could only ever dream of one day belonging to and only those with an elitist mentality would ostentatiously parade their wealth in such a manner – by putting their initials on everything for all the world to see.
But we at The Simple Stencil don’t agree.
Here’s why…
Really, really quick history of the monogram
Monogramming reaches back to the Greek and Roman empires. Royals, the military and the government used initials and monograms as “marks of wealth and power”.
OK, but there were many uses for putting initials on items that are sometimes overlooked in the great debate over monogramming.
Craftsmen created the world’s first “logos” to brand their products. Today we have Coco Chanel and nobody gives her brand grief for using a monogram.
Sigh. We miss you Coco. Wherever you are, we hope the world smells lovely.
Back in the day, a family crest or insignia really meant something. Folks were proud of their “clan or tribe”.
It wasn’t until the Victorian era that monograms started getting a bad rap. The bourgeoisie of the day made some of today’s TMZ stars look like Peace Corps volunteers. In fact, TMZ originally started in the 1800’s as a rag called “The BourgeoiZ“.
Told you it would be quick. 😉
So, here’s why we love Monograms
For us, monograms mean connection. Monograms link a brand to its customer, a bride to a groom, one generation of a family to another, etc. Monograms connect us to our history, to loved ones past and present. Monograms ensure future generations have the opportunity to connect with their ancestry.
If you own a business, monograms can make a powerful statement. Simply using your initials tells the world you don’t need razzle dazzle to trick consumers into believing your business has value. Initials mean you personally stand by your name, products and services.
That was simple wasn’t it?
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