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Brown Color Meaning & Symbolism | The Color Brown

Brown Color Meaning & Brown Symbolism 700x400

If you’ve been searching for Brown symbolism and meaning on the Internet, chances are you’ve found that there’s very little info out there and all the descriptions are pretty much the same.

That’s because people too easily dismiss the color Brown as a little “boring”. To describe Brown’s meaning and symbolism, they use words like “serviceable”, “steady”, and, “no-nonsense”.

True, they also use words like “warm”, “down-to-earth”, and “wholesome” but how do those words compare to the descriptions of the more “popular” colors?

While colors like Red, Black, White, & Blue seem to have more “sizzle”, the color Brown is, in our opinion, one of the most important and meaningful colors in the spectrum.

Brown is an earth tone, right?

As an earth tone Brown symbolizes nature. From nature we are gifted all that sustains life. Simple yet powerful words that are connected to the color Brown.

Brown is one of the most predominant colors associated with fall. This is the season of harvest and abundance. It’s the time of year we celebrate nature’s gifts and offer thanks for the diverse eco-system that allows us to flourish.

It’s no small wonder that in color psychology, Brown is associated with feelings of warmth and homecoming. After all, no matter if we live in apartments, houses, or even a houseboat, if all these were stripped away we still have earth – our true home.

Brown symbolism and meaning is often referred to as “conventional”. To some, this could seem restrictive and a bit, well, ‘meh’.

But nature is conventional, and look at the indescribable beauty to be found there.

Convention in nature really means that every day living things “live” the best way they can. Animals, vegetables, and minerals follow the time-tested way of “doing things” and seem to do just fine.

When it’s time to evolve and become better, faster, stronger – they simply “do”.

Sounds awesome to us!

People who love the color Brown tend to be welcoming. Others seem to be drawn to them during times when they need nurturing and guidance.

At The Simple Stencil, your vinyl wall lettering and wall quotes can be ordered in many different colors! We have a wide variety of hues to choose from and, while the color Brown is always a classic, our customers love all colors of the rainbow!

Because color is a deeply personal choice, we hope you find value in reading all about the psychology and meanings of all your favorite colors!

Color Meanings & Symbolism Quick Menu

Red Color Meaning & Symbolism
Yellow Color Meaning & Symbolism
Green Color Meaning & Symbolism
Blue Color Meaning & Symbolism
Purple Color Meaning & Symbolism
Orange Color Meaning & Symbolism
Gray or Grey Color Meaning & Symbolism
White Color Meaning & Symbolism
Black Color Meaning & Symbolism

By | 2024-03-28T09:49:27-04:00 March 1st, 2016|Decorating Ideas|0 Comments

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