Home/Holidays/Thanksgiving/5 meaningful fall harvest vinyl wall & window decals

5 meaningful fall harvest vinyl wall & window decals

5 meaningful fall harvest vinyl wall & window decals

Life Starts All Over Again When It Gets Crisp In The Fall Vinyl Wall Decal 600x600

We at The Simple Stencil would venture to say that just about everyone loves fall time. After the oppressive heat of summer, there comes that one day when you walk outside and you just ‘know’ fall has begun.

Folks seem to walk with a lighter step, more smiles are exchanged and everywhere you go people seem to be looking for something in the trees.

That’s because they are.

Sit on a park bench for a bit around fall time and watch the passerby’s. Follow their eyes and enjoy how their entire face lights up when they spy the first specks of delicious red, orange, or gold color on the leaves of a tree.

It’s a sure sign of fall and it never fails to make the world a happier place.

At The Simple Stencil, we are no exception. Sure autumn, fall, Thanksgiving, harvest time, etc. means pumpkin spice EVERYTHING! But the symbolism and meanings of the harvest are so much richer, deeper.

Back in the day, harvest festivals were held in celebration of successful planting & growing seasons. Healthy crops meant a healthy harvest and that meant everyone was grateful they would have enough food to last through winter.

Today’s society is mostly removed from the farming process but the same sentiments hold true.

As fall and autumn arrive this year, take some time to think about the seeds you and your loved one’s planted this year. Did you start a new business, relationship, or job? Did you take up a new hobby or start volunteering somewhere? Did a friend or family member welcome children (fur babies or human) into their life?

When we truly take the time to notice, we find that we are, all, farmers in our own manner. We plant seeds of encouragement, love, and compassion. When these things grow, oh what a bountiful harvest they make.

To commemorate and celebrate all the wonderful gifts you and your tribe are harvesting this year, be sure to use Simple Stencil vinyl lettering and decals to create just the right ambiance!

Simple Stencil can help you create the perfect “attitude of gratitude” wall quote or saying for your home, office, and place of worship. We have many pumpkins, leaves, and other embellishments to choose from as well!

Below are just a few harvest vinyl wall and window quotes to choose from! Visit our one-of-a-kind custom design center and choose the fonts and colors that are right for you!

Share The Harvest Vinyl Wall Lettering Decal For Thanksgiving and Fall Holidays 700x700

To Plant Is To Believe In Tomorrow Vinyl Quote Decal For Walls 700x700

Autumn Dickens Nature Quote Custom Vinyl Decal 700x700

Autumn The Year's Lovliest Smile Willam Bryant Custom Vinyl Wall Decal Fall Leaves Stickers

By | 2017-03-25T04:31:56-04:00 October 6th, 2015|Thanksgiving|0 Comments

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