5 Considerations When Choosing Wall Decor

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5 Considerations When Choosing Wall Decor

We all start the new school year the same way — full of expectations, full of ideas, hopes, and desires for fulfilled dreams. Sometimes our work is rewarded, sometimes it’s not; sometimes just the stressors of the days dim the light at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps your techniques aren’t producing the results you’d like to see and you are reevaluating. How do you keep yourself, and your students, motivated and inspired?  Choosing your wall decor with understanding and an eye to the desired result could make the difference.

Here are five things to consider when choosing wall decor for your classroom:

1. What’s the purpose of the wall decor?

  definition of inspiration

        Understanding the difference between motivation and inspiration will help you choose the wall decor which supports and furthers your desired effects. Motivation results in the completion of a task. Inspiration creates the desire for the result.  There are precious few studies which show the effectiveness of either motivation or inspiration, but it is clear that they are very different, and knowing the desired outcome will help you choose the right wall decor.

“Even the most vivid stimulus loses its force if experienced often and regularly enough. So even if a modern day person would benefit from a well-timed motivational message, they’ve likely learned to ignore it due to over-saturation. “( from  “The Guardian”, October 2014; 

2. Is wall decor easily removable?

All Stencils appear to be painted onto the wall and are easily removable.

3. Do you have color or specific wordings you’d like? 

Simple Stencils will make what you need, in the colors and sizes you require. If you have a specific requirement, let us know and our art design team can create something just for you at no extra charge.

If you don not step forward stencil

4. Do you want calming, muted colors, or invigorating, energizing pure colors?

And don’t forget the benefits of blank spaces. Overloading the walls with stimulation creates a white noise which students eventually tune out. Just as we are moving to more clutter-free home environments, calm and minimalist learning environments can create space for creativity and calmness, and they help reinforce the benefits or order.  Studies have been done on the effect of visually stimulating workplaces  which pertains to classrooms, too ( From ‘Your Workplace’


The visual needs in a classroom change with the age of the students; consider this when choosing wall decor.

(Marks-Thomas Architects:


5.Don’t forget the hallways.

Consider, too, that Wall Murals or Printed Graphics in hall ways are a great way to add colorful motivational graphics while leaving the classrooms with less stimuli. Contact us for more information about our custom wall mural or printed graphic designs







Simple Stencil wants you to be successful with your wall decor. Contact us if you have questions or suggestions — we promise to answer as quickly as we can.

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By | 2017-08-06T11:19:52-04:00 August 5th, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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