5 adorable baby shower gift ideas using vinyl letters & stickers

Give personalized baby shower gifts using Simple Stencil vinyl wall quotes & sayings!
Choose your own fonts & colors! Create custom vinyl wall lettering in our one-of-a-kind design center!
The phone rings.
It’s your daughter, son, sister, brother, best friend, cousin, niece, nephew, favorite co-worker…
You answer.
Them: “We’re pregnant!”
You: “OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMOMGGGGG! Squuueeeeeeeeeeeal!!!!”
Through the tears of joy you instantly start planning shopping excursions to find the perfect baby shower gifts. Don’t even try to deny it. You know you did. 😉
The Simple Stencil’s got you covered
Now, sage baby shower shoppers know the secret to making new mommies happy. Oh, it might be tempting to rush out and buy some beautiful porcelain collectible or plush stuffed animal. Who can argue with flashy or adorable right?
But when new mothers and fathers are sleep deprived and squabbling about who’s going to make the midnight diaper run because in a moment of terror they realize diapers didn’t make it into the cart on the last trip to Costco, just how valuable will that little porcelain chotchke be then?
Take some advice from The Simple Stencil and show up at the baby shower armed with gifts that are practical, personalized and popular.
In the 10 years we’ve been making precision die-cut vinyl decals and lettering, the staff here at The Simple Stencil has learned a thing or two about the ‘baby market’. After chatting with the zillionth customer, we came to learn that useful baby shower gifts are the most appreciated and remembered.
And, we learned that savvy shoppers can make one gift do double duty by personalizing it. If you have children of your own and other family members who enjoy crafting, set up a “baby shower craft party”! You’ll have a terrific time together and everyone will be able to get in on the gift giving fun!
Boom! Double duty!
Personalized baby shower gift ideas
Here are some ideas to get you started. Contact us with your own vinyl design ideas and let us help you create the perfect custom lettering & sayings for your projects!
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